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简介介绍旅游路线英语_介绍旅游路线英语作文       随着科技的发展,介绍旅游路线英语的今日更新也在不断地推陈出新。今天,我将为大家详细介绍它的今日更新,让我们一起了解它的最新技术。1.旅行计划




2.暑假旅游景点情况介绍英语 关于暑假旅游景点的英语手抄报

3.著名旅游景点英文介绍作文 旅游景点介绍的英语作文

4.家乡旅游景点英语介绍带翻译 家乡旅游英文

5.云南五日旅游景点介绍英文 云南景点介绍英文介绍




       最好旅行计划,在旅游的时候才能玩的尽兴。那么关于旅行计划的 英语 作文 应该怎么写呢?下面是我精心挑选的,关于旅行计划的英语作文,供大家阅读。


        My father and I have a travel paln.We will go to Australia this winter.We will have a great time.First day,we are going to Sydney Opera House.I think It is very beautiful and there are many visitors.

        And then we will visit Sydney Bridge.It is really long and grand.At the end of the day,we are going to Sydney Harbour.We will very happy.We can eat some famous snacks.They must be delicous.What a wonderful travel paln!


        Hello,I?m Sun Wenzhe.I?m from Dushanzi.Look at my family?s travel plan.We are going to stay in America for two weeks. NewYord is famous for the many biuldings.

        In the first week,we are going to visit NewYord Los Angeles andWashington.D.C I know the United States Capital is in London. Is a famous building in Washington.D.C The second week,we are going to visit Saipan San Francisco and Las Vegas.I know the Grand teton is a famous building in Las Vegas.I hear it is a very beautiful.Can you tell me something more about NewYord、Los Angeles Las Vegas andother places?


        Hello,I?m Ye Xucheng. Let me tell you about my travel plan. I?m going to Chengdu during this summer holidays. I will stay in Chengdu for one month. The weather in Chengdu is hotter than that in Xinjiang. But there are much delicious food. And I can play water park in Chengdu. I know the Qingcheng Mountain is near Chengdu.

        If you in the Qingcheng Mountain, you will feel so cool.

        My parents and I all like Chengdu. How about yours?


        Hello! I am Annie. My family is going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday, we are going to visit my uncle. I am going to play with my cousin, Huang Ziqi. Then, in the evening, we're going to go home.

        On Sunday afternoon, we're going to the supermarket. We are going after lunch.

        Then, in the evening, I am going to do homework. That will be fun! What's your family's plan for this weekend? Can you tell me, please?


        Hello, I am Fan Rong. I am from China . This is my family?s travel plan. We are going in to travel around China during the summer holidays. We are going to stay in China for two weeks. In the first week , We are going to visit Chengdu, Beijing, Yunnan and Sanya. I know the Emei Mountain and Dujiang Weir are in Chengdu.

        It is very spectacular and beautiful. The second week ,we are going to Shanghai, Qingdao, Kunming and Jiangsu. I know the stone forest is in Kunming. I hear it is very beautiful. This is a exciting travel !


        Good morning,everyone!My name is Ji Zhe.I?m from China.Now let me tell you about my family?s travel pian.We are going around Thailand.We are going to stay at Thailand for two weeks.In the first week,we are going to Bangkok.I know the Grand Palace is in Bangkok.I hear it is interested Palace.

        The second week,weare going to Chiang mai and Island ofphuket.My mum tell me Chiang mai is the second largest city in Thailand. I'm looking forward to the trip.Can you tell me you travel plan?


        I have a travel plan.I?m going to be in the Shaihai from January eighteenth to the twenty-fifth.I?m going to buy some clothes and books.I?m going to be in the Chouzhou from January twenty-sixth to the thirty-first.I?m going to visit my grandma .

        I?m going to be in the Guangzhou from February first to the fifteenth.I?m going to Disney Land.


        1. 我的旅行计划英语范文3篇

        2. 关于暑假去旅行计划英语作文

        3. 暑假旅游计划英语作文

        4. 小学暑假计划英文作文

暑假旅游景点情况介绍英语 关于暑假旅游景点的英语手抄报




       a scenic spot

        a tourist destination

        a place of tourist attraction


        The Statue of Liberty is a major tourist attraction.


        They stayed at several of the island's top tourist spots.


        The aquatic Stone Forest, some ten kilometres from Huangguoshu Waterfall, is a burgeoning tourist spot on a small fiver.


        Mt. Laoshan would be the ideal place for you, then. It has around 200 sightseeing spots.


        scenic :

        adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;布景的;戏剧的

        n. 风景照片;风景胜地

        The scenic was shot on location in Rome.


        The scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains are overwhelming.


        The production of the musical comedy was a scenic triumph.


        spot :

        n. 斑点;污点;场所;职位;旅游胜地

        v. 弄脏;玷污;认出,发现

        adj. 立即的,当场做出的

        adv. 恰好,准确地

        There are spots in (or on) the sum


        It was cute of you to spot the truth.


        To mark or mottle with spots.


        tourist :

        n. 旅行者,观光客

        adj. 旅游的

        adv. 在经济舱;乘经济舱

        the tourist business


        a tourist agency


        tourist passengers



       Admission is free 不收门票

       Advanced booking is essential to avoid disappointment提前预定,避免错过。

       All passengers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance.建议所有乘客购买旅游保险。 All tours require advance booking. 旅游需要提前订票。

       All-inclusive ticket 票价包括所有费用。

       Cafeteria available 提供自助餐

       Child reductions 儿童优惠

       Children are free if supervised. 有监护人的儿童免费。

       Children under 12 half price throughout season. 全季12岁以下的儿童半价

       Clean and comfortable 清洁舒适

       Come with us to the world’s most beautiful cities和我们一起游览世界上最美丽的城市。 Concessions (票价)优惠

       Day trip to 一日游

       Discounts available for pre-booked groups 团体提前预定优惠

       Fine views of London 伦敦美景

       For more detailed information please call 欲知详情,请打电话。

       Free children admission with full paying adult 卖成人票,儿童免费。

       Free children ticket with this leaflet 持本广告儿童免费。

       Free entry for all 向所有人开放

       Free entry to over 60 attractions 免费到60多个景点旅游。

       Free for accompanied children under 16 years of age. 所带16以下岁儿童免费。

       If you would like to join our club, please contact 如想参加我们的俱乐部,请联系 Pick up points and times 接站地点和接站时间

       Reservations 预定

       Reserved seating 预订座位

       Safe and reliable 安全可靠

       Self-catering 可自己做饭

       Shopping offers 提供购物机会

       Sights of London 伦敦风光

       Sightseeing at its best! 观光游览最佳季节。

       Tour operators 旅游组织者

       Tours take up to two hours 游程两个小时。

       Tours are held throughout the day 旅游活动全天进行。

       Tours have live English commentary 旅游配有现场英语解说。

       Under 24 hours a 50% charge may be levied. 24小时内收半价

       We want you to have a good holiday 我们让你渡过一个愉快的假日。

       Exhibition and Museum 展览会博物馆

        are now free to everyone. 现免费向公众开放。

        will again be open to the public. 再次向公众开放。

       Admission charge £4 门票4英镑

       Do not touch the exhibits/objects 勿触摸展品/物品

       Exhibition opening times: 开馆时间:

       Extended opening hours during August 八月延长开放时间。

       Flash photograph is not permitted 不准用闪光灯拍照

       Forthcoming exhibitions 即将展出

       Open 10:30am—6:00pm every day throughout the year全年每天10:30am—6:00pm 开放。 Open 7 days a week 每周7天开放

       Photography and video are not permitted inside the building楼内不许拍照录像。 Ticket office 售票处

       Unemployed, disabled, students and children free 失业者,残疾人,学生和儿童免费。 With access all day 全天开放

       人民广场 People’s Square 外滩建筑群(十里洋场)foreign concessions along the Bund 金贸大厦88层观光厅the 88th floor of observation hall in Jinmao Tower 豫园 Yu Garden东 方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower 上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theater 国际会议中心 Shanghai International Convention Center 城煌庙City God Temple 中共一大会址 Site of the First National Congress of CPC上海大世界 the Great World Entertainment Center 国际客运码头 the International Passenger Quay 锦江乐园 Jinjiang Amusement Park鲁迅纪念馆 Lu Xun Memorial Hall 上海话剧艺术中心 Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center 上海植物园 Shanghai Botanical Garden上海美术馆 Shanghai Art Gallery上海海洋水族馆 Shanghai Ocean Aquarium高架:overpass/ elevated high way

       四通八达:radiating in all direction 地铁:underground(Br), subway(Am), Metro (fr) 轻轨:light railway/ railroad; elevated railway 保税区:bounded zone 出口加工区:Export Processing zone 高科技园区:hi-tech park经贸区: financial and trade zone

       名胜古迹:places of historic interest

       漂亮的山水:beautiful landscape

       游客向往的地方:tourist destination

       As the tourist destination, Guilin boasts a beautiful landscape

       风光:vistas endless vistas 无限风光

       景点 tourist spot; tourist attraction

       山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers; landscape

       名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers

       名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites

       避暑胜地 summer resort

       度假胜地 holiday resort

       避暑山庄 mountain resort

       蜜月度假胜地 honeymoon resort

       国家公园 national park

       古建筑群 ancient architectural complex

       佛教胜地 Buddhist sacred land

       皇城imperial city

       御花园 imperial garden

       甲骨文 inscription on bones and tortoiseshells

       古玩店 antique/curio shop

       手工艺品 artifact; handicrafts

       国画 traditional Chinese painting

       天坛 the Temple of Heaven

       紫禁城 Forbidden City

       故宫the Imperial Palace

       敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang

       玉佛寺the Jade Buddha Temple

       布达拉宫 Potala Palace

        洞穴/岩洞 cave; cavern

       温泉 hot spring

       陵墓 emperor’s mausoleum/tomb

       古墓 ancient tomb

       石窟 grotto

       祭坛 altar

       楼 tower; mansion

       台 terrace

       亭阁 pavilion




       塔 pagoda; tower

       廊 corridor

       石舫 stone boat

       湖心亭 mid-lake pavilion

       保存完好 well-preserved

       工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship

       景色如画 picturesque views

       诱人景色 inviting views

       文化遗产cultural heritage/ legacy

       岩溶地形karst topography

        上有天堂,下有苏杭 In heaven there is the paradise, and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. / As there is the paradise in heaven, so there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.

        五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳 Trips to China’s five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unneeessary.

        桂林山水甲天下 The scenery of Guilin has been called the finest under heaven.

       五岳 five great mountains china’s five sacred/ divine mountains

       天下第一奇山 the most fantastic mountain under heaven

        黄山四绝 the four unique scenic features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs


       1. 关于介绍长城的英语作文4句话

        the great wall

        the great wall runs across north china like a huge dragon, it winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. it's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.

        the great wall has a history of more than 2000 years. the first part was built during the spring and autumn period. all the walls were joined up in qin dynasty.all tile work was done by hand. thousands of people died while building the wall.thus the great wall came into existence.

        since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. now the great wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. it's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.





        2. 介绍长城英语短句 (要句子)

        The Great Wall is the name for a wall.


        It first comes from the time of the Qin Dynasty.


        Shihuangdi wanted to protect China's northern border.


        So he ordered his soldiers to build walls along the border


        Today's Great Wall is different from the old one, it comes from the time of the Ming Dynasty.


        On that time, the soldiers could march on the top of the wall.


        Now it is a good place to visit.



        3. 形容长城美丽的句子(英文)

        You should not miss the Great Wall.


        _ The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


        _ There is a Chinese saying, “Those who don't reach the Great Wall are not true men.”


        4. 介绍长城的英语作文12

        The Great Wall of China

        The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.

        The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. It was during the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the dif ferent parts into one empire. To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being.

        The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the the towers as a warning when the enemy came.

        It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.

        5. 长城用英语介绍 越短越好


        In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kil

著名旅游景点英文介绍作文 旅游景点介绍的英语作文



       I like summer vacation every year. This year I went to Beijing for summer vacation.


       Beijing is our capital. I climbed the great wall and went to many interesting places.


       I had a good time.


       Throughout the summer vacation, I went to Putuo and Xiangshan. I saw the beautiful sea.


       I enjoy walking alone on the beach or swimming in the moonlight after dinner.


       That's really great.




       Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


       Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


       Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


       Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




       adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

       n. 风景胜地;风景照片


       This is an extremely scenic part of America.



       n. 旅行者,观光客

       adj. 旅游的

       vt. 在旅行参观

       vi. 旅游;观光

       adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱





       暑假是最好的游玩的时候了,这个暑假你又去哪里了呢?下面是我给大家整理的暑假旅游 英语 作文 ,供你参考!

       暑假 旅游英语 作文200字篇1

       One-day Tour in Beijing

        Beijing is our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we have a one-day tour plan for you.


        In the morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall. It's one of the greatest wonders in the world. It's so magnificent that you can't go to Beijing without visiting the Great Wall. At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace. There are so many interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street, and some other ancient palaces. So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first. The view on the top is so wonderful. Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, and then, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of the Yangtze River. In the afternoon, you can go to have a long walk on Tiananman Square, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the Palace Museum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are of great value. In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place to go where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildings there have the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history of ancient Beijing.


        Wish you a nice trip.



       旅行计划 Plan for Two Days in Beijing

        Warmly welcome all of you to visit to China. I hear that you are a Canadian high school students delegation who come to China to exchange learning. I sincerely hope you can have fun in China.


        It's a great pity that you only stay for two days in Beijing that you cannot enjoy every tourist attractions. But you can still visit the attractions of the most representative. Firstly, I suggest you going to the Great Wall, which is the longest wall and one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by hands only, which seems unimaginable. On the second day, you can visit to the Imperial Palace where you can learn more about Chinese history. It was built in 1406 and there were 24 emperors living in there. And then you can go to Summer Palace or Beihai Park.

        遗憾的是你们只在北京呆两天,不能欣赏每一个旅游景点。但是你们仍然可以最具有代表性的景点。首先,我建议你们到长城,它是最长的城墙,也是世界八大奇迹之一 。它是人工建成的,这似乎无法想象。第二天,你们可以参观故宫,在那里你们可以学习更多关于中国的历史。它是1406年建的,曾有24位皇帝住在那里。接着你可以去颐和园或者北海公园。

        Beijing is a modern city as well as a historic city where there are many places worth visiting. Given the chance, welcome to travel to Beijing in the future.



       With the rapid development of economy, the number of Chinese traveling abroad has increased enormously, which definitely benefits both China and the world.

        In the past three years, the number of Chinese traveling abroad has kept a high growth rate. In accordance with the figures from a survey, there were about 7.5 million people traveling abroad in 1999. In the year after 1999, the number continued to rise. By 2000, it reached 10 million people. And the year 2001 saw an ever-growing number of 12.1 million people going abroad.

        The reasons why the number of Chinese traveling abroad grows so rapidly are just as follows. First of all, after 20 years' reform and opening up to the world, our economy has developed very quickly. Now Chinese have more money in their pockets than before. They can do whatever they want. Moreover, with more spare money in their hands, many Chinese would like to better the quality of their lives by going out to see different people, to hear different ideas and experience different cultures. And traveling abroad is just one way on the list to meet their demands.

        From the above analysis, we can easily draw the conclusion that such an increase in the number of people traveling abroad is reasonable and will continue to prove on a rise.


       I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don't forget to bring your backpack!


       This summer, my father took our family to shandong.

        Shandong is very far from Shanghai, so want to go by plane, the plane off the ground, I hang on to her mother's hand, the plane flying high, first on a layer of clouds, is on the second layer cloud again, in the second layer on the cloud, I looked up, wow, a no cloud in the sky, the clouds like a pony, cotton, sheep, pigs, etc., on the plane's flight attendant gave me and my brother a person a gift, brother is OTT door sticker, I is a yellow pencil case and a blue pen, aircraft fired two hours to shandong, aircraft operation, I am airsick.

        When we arrived in shandong, our father found a five-star luxury hotel to let us live. We lived in a two-story room.

        Father took on the day we went to the seaside to swim, swim, an uncle gave me a mother, I just don't know is the mother, take back to look for dad, dad said can't take, I will throw away.

        The next day, my father took us to the island to play, shandong has many mountains, we went to the largest island, we played the iron rope bridge, boat and so on.

        On the third day, dad took us to his construction site, and in the afternoon we went back to Shanghai.

        What a happy summer!


       For most people, they will choose to travel during holiday because they want to relieve themselves from the high pressure of work. However, it happens quite often that people often ran into traffic jams on the way to travel. Some people think that we can relax ourselves by traveling no matter of how many people there. Some people would rather to stay in home than going out to travel because they think there are too many people swarm into the scenic spots. In my point of view, I would rather to stay indoors rather than going out to travel. Reasons are listed below.

        对于许多人来说,都会选择假期旅游,因为他们想要从巨大的工作压力中解放自己。但是,在去旅游的路上遇到交通堵塞的事情经常发生。一些人认为不管有多少 人,我们还是可以通过旅游来放松自己。一些人情愿呆在家里也不远出去旅游,因为他们觉得旅游景点的人太多了。就我看来,我情愿呆在家里也不远走出去旅游。 原因如下:

        Firstly, during holiday, so many people swarm into the travel spots that we can't enjoy ourselves to the full. For most people, they want to travel because during holiday, they can have several days to relieve themselves by traveling. However, so many people crowd together will make their tour lose the original fun.


        Secondly, during holiday, price will be rising drastically. It is known to all that you need to spend much more to buy things or taking bus or any other transportation since many retailers will raise goods' price during this holiday to get fat profits.


        All in all, travel during holiday is not a good choice for us since its inconvenience in traveling among a huge crowd of people and also the dramatically hig

家乡旅游景点英语介绍带翻译 家乡旅游英文



       i'm glad to hear that you are coming to sichuan in august. you've made thewise choice to travel here. sichuan province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as jiuzhaigou and dujiangyan irrigation project.

       jiuzhaigou is well-known for its beautiful lake of which the water is clear and looks colourful. it can excite visitors' imagination.

       another attraction is dujiangyan irrigation project. it was built over 2,000 years ago and it still plays an important part in irrigation today. besides, the nice weather andconvenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. i'm sure you will have a good time.






       Russia is a big country, the biggest in the world by area. It stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. If you want to tour Russia, you have two big challenges. The first is infrastructure, and the second is time. Infrastructure is being upgraded quickly, but time is still a problem. Russia is so big! Tourism to Russia is becoming quite popular. There are many natural areas in Russia. The Trans Siberian Railway goes through or near many of them like Lake Baikal. There are many old cultural sites like the State Hermitage Museum and the Russian Museum St. Petersburg. There are also many “Red” tourist sites like Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow.


        Traveling to the Western US is a treat as the Great Plains slowly rises as you go west into the Rocky Mountains. These go very high. In Denver Colorado you may see some real cowboys. There are more mountains and great skiing as you go west to the Cascade Mountains in the north up to Idaho and Seattle, Washington. The Sierra Nevada leads to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas in Nevada. California has the Central Valley agricultural area, and San Francisco and Los Angeles.


        Spain is becoming a very popular travel destination because of its beauty, history, architecture, and food. Spain is in the southwest of Europe, bordered by Portugal on the west, and the Pyrenees Mountains in the east. These divide Spain from France, and are home to the Basques, who speak a language like no other on earth. Madrid is the capital in the center of the country. Valencia and Barcelona are on the Mediterranean Sea coast. Cadiz, Malaga, and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa, so they have Moslem influence. Granada has the Alhambra castle.


        Australia is far south of Asia. It is a huge area with not that many people. Most of Australia’s large cities like Sydney and Perth are near the coast. These cities, and the Great Barrier Reef, are the best for tourism on the coast. Australia has many unique animals, including kangaroos, koala bears, and wild camels. Much of the center is dry and even desert. This area is often called the Outback. The Aboriginal people have lived in Australia over 50,000 years and mostly live in the Outback. Ayer’s Rock is at the center of the country.


        If you travel to Greece you will see beautiful weather, ancient cities like Athens, and wonderful islands around the blue Mediterranean Sea. In Athens you may see Greece’s most famous site, the Acropolis. Going to the islands you may see Crete, Corfu, Mykonos, and Rhodes. Greek history is the history of their islands. There are many island groups in Greece with hundreds of islands. The Greek mainland includes Athens, but also beautiful cities like Sparta, which had some of the ancient world’s toughest soldiers.



        身未动,心已远。下面,是我为你整理的介绍景点的 高中 英语 作文 ,希望对你有帮助!


        Dear Nick,

        Ilsquo;m glad to hear that youlsquo;re coming to Sichuan in August. Sichuan Province lies in southwest of China which is a good place for people to enjoy many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful. Another attraction is Dujianyan Irrigation Project, which was built over 2,000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation today. Besides, the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. In my opinion, it is a wise choice to travel here.

        I'm looking forward to your coming.

        Yours sincerely,

        Li Hua


        Dear Sam,

        I'm very glad to hear that you'll travel to China next month. Now I'll tell you something about the greatest places of interest in out country.

        First, Beijing is the capital city of China. There are so many amazing places you cannot miss. For example, the Ten-thousand-li Great Wall--one of the seven wonders in the world; the Palace Museum--the Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty; Yuanmingyuan -- a world--famous imperial garden.

        Second, you'd better go to Xi'an of Shanxi province for the Terra Cotta Warriors lies there. And you may also go to Huashan -- a dangerously steep mountain. It's not far from Xi'an

        At last I hope you'll pay a visit to Hunan .Hunana is famous for Zhangjiajie, a place with beautiful mountains and rivers .By the way, have you ever heard of __? He wa one of the greatest leaders in Chinese history. And if you come to Shaoshan -- his home town, you'll know more about him.

        Oh,I must stop now, I have to get ready for my final exams

        Good luck!




        Beijingis our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we have a one-daytour plan for you.


        Inthe morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall. It's one of the greatestwonders in the world. It's so magnificent that you can't go to Beijing withoutvisiting the Great Wall. At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace. There are somany interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street,and some other ancient palaces. So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first. Theview on the top is so wonderful. Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, andthen, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of theYangtze River. In the afternoon, you can go to have a long walk on TiananmanSquare, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the PalaceMuseum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are ofgreat value. In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place togo where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildingsthere have the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history ofancient Beijing.


        Wishyou a nice trip.



        1. 旅游景点英文介绍

        2. 关于旅游的高一英语作文带翻译

        3. 有关旅游景点介绍的英语作文

        4. 出国旅游的高中英语作文

        5. 关于风景的英语作文

云南五日旅游景点介绍英文 云南景点介绍英文介绍

       用英语介绍自己家乡的旅游景点 还要带翻译 谢谢

       My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It 's warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is v。

       介绍景点的英语作文 介绍景点的英语作文带翻译


        The Lao Mount is one of the birth places of Taoism. Since the Spring and Autumn period, many wizards whowere engaged in preserving good health have gathered there. And it has become the nationally-renowned Immortal Mountain at the East Sea. After the founding of New China, the Qingdao municipal funded it to repair and maintain temples in the mountain, and therefore the Taoism has been well preserved. Since the openingof the 3rd session of the 11th NPPCC, the city began to gradually restore some temples, to implement the policies of religion, to call back Taoists, to rebuild the sculptures and to return the properties as planned.


        老挝山是道教的出生的地方之一。自春秋时期,许多巫师在业余从事保护身体健康都聚集在那里。它已成为全国知名的山在东海。新中国成立后,青岛市政府资助的修理和维护寺庙在山上,因此道教一直保存完好。NPPCC openingof以来第三次会议11日,市政府开始逐渐恢复一些寺庙,实现政策的宗教,道教打来,重建雕塑和按计划返回的属性。



        China's Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.


       It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years _go.


       After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


       Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. _ast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called _orld miracle.

       聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

       It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's _uins in offical _ays.

       You will not only could witness Great Wall's apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , _reat wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.

       它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。


       Wenzhou "paradise" -- -- - nanxi river

       Nanxi river is located in yongjia county, north of wenzhou, zhejiang province. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, known as "the first water of heaven". By beauty, jiang jian qu, waterfall, tam brigitte, the peak, YanXiu, strange stone, caves, Jane, the village is famous for its ancient trees, there are "thousand rock of TV, mountains and valleys flow", is with harmonizing natural landscape, cultural landscape in the integration of landscape pastoral area. It is known as "the cradle of Chinese landscape painting". The total length of the nanxi river is 145km, and it is a tree-like water system with abundant water and winding river flows. There are so-called "36 bay" and "72 beach". The river is smooth without delay, with a degree of urgency.

       On the dock, the workers are waiting for the visitors.

       The bamboo raft is made of large, brown, large, brown bamboo, which is made of large, brown and brown bamboo. It is made of a set of 15. 2 rows of bamboo chairs for tourists to take.

       The bow was up high, and the bamboo raft was drifting along the nanxi river and down the river

       The water was clear and clean, and it was green and close to the shore. You could see the pebbles in the shallows. The riverfront duck plays with water, and can still hear the cheerful "sip" of the duck.

       As the only scenic spot in China's national scenic area with idyllic scenery, the unique landscape of its rich and stirring level makes visitors wonder.

       The green river is long and long, the wind is gentle, the water is like a mirror; The two sides of the cross - strait forest are stained, green and bright; Layers of smoke trees, hidden ancient villages, distant mountains such as dai, such as fairyland. The whole mountain water scene is very light and appropriate, the function is proper, is very infatuated.

       Two small lantau island in front of the wharf of zhanchuan village in yantou town. From afar, the strange rock in the river is like a lion's play ball, hence the name of the lion rock. The lion rock, such as a lion, is full of jagged rocks, with its head held high and its head held high. The other lantau, known as "lion island", is covered with trees and trees, and the grass is luxuriant, and the wind is blowing, the crown swaying, like a lion's ball rolling.

       You will be amazed when you visit the nanxi river. The distant mountains like the clouds, green mountains and water is heaven.

       The nanxi river is a beautiful scroll that is slowly rolled out, which is a classic of the jiangnan landscape and a peach blossom source in the traveler's heart.















       Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


       Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


       Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


       Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




       adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

       n. 风景胜地;风景照片


       This is an extremely scenic part of America.



       n. 旅行者,观光客

       adj. 旅游的

       vt. 在旅行参观

       vi. 旅游;观光

       adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱




       谁能用英语介绍名胜古迹 并且带翻译

       The Great Wall of China

       The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.

       The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. It was during the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the dif ferent parts into one empire. To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being.

       The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the the towers as a warning when the enemy came.

       It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.

       Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world. Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."




       中国的长城汉语中常叫作“万里长城”。实际上它长 6 ooo多公里。它从西到东,穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过深谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直到海边。它是世界上的奇观之一。









       Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center. the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex.


       Xishuangbanna is located in the eastern part of Yunnan province. Is the most famous tourist attractions. Now, I will introduce you to the 2 days in Xishuangbanna Lu you's route. First day: After breakfast along China's first through the tropical rain forest Highway arrives at the AAAA scenic yexianggu, visit the butterfly garden lizard, snake, Monkey Park, Park Bainiaoyuan, tree at its own expense, take on the elevated corridor that crosses the rainforest cableway sightseeing, visit tree hotel, enjoy the unique Elephant show. Second day: After breakfast, tour of the sights in the original forest park, check out time is about 3 hours. After dinner, at its own expense participate in large bonfire night — for Lancang River, Mekong River night. Overall we will ride the bus tour.




















        云南省以元江谷地和云岭山脉南段的宽谷为界,平均海拔在2000m左右。云南东部旅游的特色高原特色,分别为滇东、滇中高原,称云南高原,属云贵高原的西部。云南这里主要是波状起伏的低山和浑圆丘陵,发育着各种类型的岩溶地貌,云南西部为横断山脉纵谷区,高山与峡谷相间,云南地势雄奇险峻,其中以三江并流最为壮观。这样的地势地貌也孕育出丰富多彩的自然生态景观,也让云南有“彩云之南”的美誉。云南旅游景点以其美丽、丰饶、神奇而著称于世,一向被外界称为“秘境”,吸引着世界各地的游客。 每年到云南旅游的游客较多,主要的景点包括:丽江古城、泸沽湖、苍山洱海、香格里拉、玉龙雪山、腾冲地热火山、大理三塔、滇池等。

        同时我们云南还有很多的土特产,云南山七这个是不能不说的好东西, 各种菌类,各种水果,墨江紫米,宣威火腿,大理泡梨,话梅,蜜饯,扎染、蜡染、小鱼干、普洱茶、普洱红糖、景谷粽子、版纳柚子、版纳小包谷 , 更是数不胜数,当然千万不能忘了我们全国销量最大的云南特产猫哆哩了。


        Yunnan landform is bounded by the Yuan River Valley and Yunling mountains south of the valley, at an average altitude of about 2000m. Eastern Yunnan Diandong plateau, Yunnan, known as the Yunnan plateau, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the West of. Yunnan here is the undulating hills and rounded hills, developed karst landform types, Western Yunnan to cross the mountain valley areas, mountains and valleys, Yunnan is magnificent, with Sanjiang and flows to the most spectacular. This landform also bred the natural ecological landscape rich and colorful, also let Yunnan " south of the clouds " in the world. Yunnan tourist attractions with its beautiful, rich, magic is known to the world, has always been known as the "secret ", attracts visitors from all over the world. Every year to the tourists in Yunnan is more, the main attractions include: Old Town of Lijiang, Lugu Lake, Cangshan, Erhai, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Shangri-La, Tengchong geothermal volcano, Dali three pagodas, Dianchi.

        At the same time, we Yunnan there are many native products, mountain Yunnan seven this is not to say the good stuff, various fungi, all kinds of fruits, Mojiang purple rice, ham, Dali bubble pear, plum, candied fruit, tie-dye and batik, dried fish, Pu 'er tea tea Pu' er tea, brown sugar, Jinggu rice dumplings, grapefruit, Banna Banna small valley, it is beyond count, of course, do not forget our national sales of the largest specialty Yunnan cat duo miles.



       Shilin size, the Lions Pavilion, Jianfeng pool, Wang Feng Ting, Ashima, Old Town of Lijiang, the Quartet question, Lugu Lake, the island than in the Treasury, the Yulong Snow Mountain, Yunshaping small ropeways, Baishui River, Hanhai of



       The Yunnan Nationalities Village (Yunnan Minzucun) is located on the northeastern shore of Dianchi Lake and is a good place to show visitors to Yunnan the cultural ways and traditions of the numerous ethnic groups in the province.

       In the Village compound, 25 different independent villages have been planned, but at present only about 20 have been constructed. In addition to these "ethnic villages", there are activities that take place such as a welcoming ceremony with performing White Elephants, the Dinosaur Island theme park area, a concert area for ethnic singing and dancing performances, as well as an Asian Elephant show in the Plaza of Ethnic Unity.

       The climax of a visit to the Nationalities Park is a film shown on a fountain of water. The "villagers" are all chosen from the youth of the relevant nationalities to act as guides and performers for tourists. The three major villages represent the Dai, the Bai and the Yi nationalities.

       The Bai Nationality Village:

       The Bai Village is famous for its Butterfly Museum, which is the biggest of its kind in China. The museum is a typical Bai construction, which is comprised of rooms and residences on three sides and a wall on the southern side.

       The southern wall is typically decorated quite beautifully with an ornate flower bed. Part of the reason for this architecture is that Dali (where a majority of Bais live) is a windy town, where the wind, while not very strong, blows all year round. Also in the Village, there is a replicated temple dedicated to the God of Erhai Lake (modeled after a temple in Dali). The young warrior, enshrined in the temple, was known as Duan Chicheng.

       He exterminated evil villains and spirits for the Bai people and has been worshipped as the safeguard of the Bai people around Dali ever since. If you burn several sticks of incense to him, you may also gain his protection, but we'd recommend trying it at the real temple in Dali.

       A Trip To Beijing

       On July 5th my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

       We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look.

       The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang Hill. I now know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

       Later, I went back with my parents by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.
